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Grievance Redressal
<%if request.QueryString("mail")<>1 then%>
 All the fields marked by * are mandatory
Contact Address *:
Query Details *:
<% ' ============================================ ' ' ======== For Sending mail ============== ' ' ============================================ ' btext = btext & "" btext = btext & "
Personal Details
Person Name " btext = btext & request.form("txtname") btext = btext & "
Email " btext = btext & request.form("txtemail") btext = btext & "
Telephone " btext = btext & request.Form("txttel") btext = btext & "
Address " btext = btext & request.form("txtadd") btext = btext & "
Query Details " btext = btext & request.form("textdetails") btext = btext & "
" %> <%'=btext%> <% dim oJMail Set oJMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail") with oJMail .ServerAddress = "" .ContentType = "text/html" .Sender = request.form("txtemail") .AddRecipient "information@hanumanthospital.com" .Subject = "Feedback From www.hanumanthospital.com" .Body = btext .Execute end with Set oJMail = Nothing ' ============================================ ' ' ======== End of Sending mail =========== ' ' ============================================ ' ' ============================================ ' ' === For Sending Auto Response mail ====== ' ' ============================================ ' 'btext1 = btext1 & "" 'btext1 = btext1 & "Dear "&request.form("txtname")&",

We appreciate your Feedback. Support Team will contact soon.

" 'btext1 = btext1 & "Shree Hanumant Hospital
Nesvad-Devaliya Bypass,
National Highway No 8E,
PO Box No 32,
Mahuva 364 290,
District - Bhavnagar,
India" 'btext1 = btext1 & "
Telephone No.:+91 2844 224444 / 222752
Email: information@hanumanthospital.com, ceo@hanunmanthospital.com" ' 'sch = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" 'Set cdoConfig1 = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") 'cdoConfig1.Fields.Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2 'cdoConfig1.Fields.Item(sch & "smtpserver") = "localhost" ' 'cdoConfig1.fields.update ' 'Set cdoMessage1 = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") 'Set cdoMessage1.Configuration = cdoConfig1 'cdoMessage1.From = "information@hanumanthospital.com" 'cdoMessage1.To = request.Form("txtemail") 'cdoMessage1.Subject = "Autoresponse from Hanumant Hospital" 'cdoMessage1.HTMLBody = btext1 'cdoMessage1.Send 'Set cdoMessage1 = Nothing ' ============================================ ' ' === End of Sending Auto Response mail ====== ' ' ============================================ ' %> <%'=btext1%>

Thank You, <% =request.form("txtname") %>
We appreciate your Feedback.

<%end if%>